Set In Stone
Cliff Swallows of Prayer Rock, Wyoming
Oil on Canvas 22" x 28"
West of Byron and South of Cowley is the historical site where construction of Sidon Canal had once been blocked by this giant sandstone boulder. According to legend, prayer and divine intervention caused the rock to split allowing pioneers to continue with construction. Hence forth the site has be known as "Prayer Rock."
Today, cliff swallows build nests from dried mud on the vertical walls at horizontal overhangs. I wanted to capture a flight of swallows while showcasing their interesting bundles of gourd like bird nests hanging from the sheer wall of Prayer Rock's massive scale.West of Byron and South of Cowley is the historical site where construction of Sidon Canal had once been blocked by this giant sandstone boulder. According to legend, prayer and divine intervention caused the rock to split allowing pioneers to continue with construction. Hence forth the site has be known as "Prayer Rock."
Available for purchase at the "Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region" show opening May 4, 2023 at The Brinton Museum - Sheridan, WY